THURSDAYS • APRIL 3 - MAY 22 • 6:00 - 7:30pm
Location to be
announced soon
Cost: FREE
Thank you to all who made this a
free event through your sponsorship
Provided for infant -
12 years old
This 9-week course is designed specifically for single moms that have completed The reVIVE Course. Together we will go beyond personal awareness and move towards deeply understanding who we are, why we do what we do, and what impacts our relationships with God and others.
Topics include seeing ourselves as wonderfully created with purpose and intentionality, identifying the unhealthy ruts we fall into, learning ways to escape these ruts, examining how suffering effects our relationships with others, learning ways to heal our relationships, reexamining how to set personal boundaries, and practicing inviting God into the midst of our lives. All topics will be addressed through in person teaching sessions and small group discussions.
Prerequisite: Completion of The reVIVE Course.
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If you were interested in taking this course, please fill out the application below and our team will connect with you.