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Episode 005: These Four Things are Essential
A weekly podcast inspired by single moms for single moms. Where we focus on what we must do and we get rid of the rest.

Want to get outside but need to pinch pennies? Join Jennifer and our Area Director, Karin Stevens, a single mom of three {amazing} adult children, as they look forward to the beautiful summer weather and chat about inexpensive activities for families and kids of all ages. This is the final episode in our podcast mini-series. Click here to join our email list to get the latest information on the podcast we are launching this fall!

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Episode 005: These Four Things are Essential
A weekly podcast inspired by single moms for single moms. Where we focus on what we must do and we get rid of the rest.

In this week’s episode, Jennifer talks with reVIVE Course Alumna Michelle about how hard moments bring resiliency and expectation around Mother’s Day (or really any holiday) is hard! Jennifer also shares about her most interesting Mother’s day.

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Episode 004: These Four Things are Essential
A weekly podcast inspired by single moms for single moms. Where we focus on what we must do and we get rid of the rest.

In this week's podcast Dani joins me and we get real on what life is like right now. There are four things this week that are keeping us saner. 

  1. Making Our Beds: doing a handful of simple, consistent things each day that help us feel grounded and accomplished.

  2. Reaching Out to Others: making the phone call to the girlfriend that won't have a pity party with you, won't tell you to suck it up, but WILL empathize with you and encourage you to keep walking forward.

  3. Do Life in 2 Hour Increments: consider doing life two hours at a time and then reassess. If the morning list seems to be going out the window by mid-morning, commit to a two hour block of time and then reassess what needs to happen next.

  4. Let it Go at the End of the Day: Lift you hand palm up to the sky and visualize tossing the rest of the to dos you didn't get to during the day up to God. A way of saying, "Here is my day Lord, thank you for what I was able to do, here is the rest, I trust you to help me through my next day".

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Episode 003: These Four Things are Essential
A weekly podcast inspired by single moms for single moms. Where we focus on what we must do and we get rid of the rest.

In this week's podcast Jennifer talks about a box of memories she found this week and encourages us to focus on putting favorite memories in front of us. To combat the feelings of isolation and fear, take some time and soak on the word goodness and then capture moments in life that were belly laugh moments, favorite happenings, or that deeply moved you. 

For me these moments represent God's goodness to us. In the midst of a lot of self-doubt, fears, and moments of high anxiety this list brought me comfort and perspective. 

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Episode 002: These Four Things are Essential
A weekly podcast inspired by single moms for single moms. Where we focus on what we must do and we get rid of the rest.

In this episode, Dani finishes her conversation with Lynn Bryant, social worker and facilitator of Parenting the Love and Logic way. While Dani’s son busy still loving his pants-less pandemic, Dani and Lynn talk about how to talk to our kids about recognizing what they can and can’t control, how to develop a one-liner to neutralize arguments, how to prepare an action plan with your family for if you are to get sick.

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Welcome to our first episode of These Four Things are Essential. A weekly podcast inspired by single moms for single moms. Where we focus on what we must do and we get rid of the rest.

In this episode, Dani talks with Lynn Bryant, social worker and facilitator of Parenting the Love and Logic way. While we are all in close quarters and everyone may feel overwhelmed, Lynn reminds us to be gentle with ourselves and to avoid using "shoulds". She helps us gain some practical tips on how to bring more peace to our homes, sort through all the shoulds, and focus on a few musts that will help us parent during this crazy time. We hope you enjoy this podcast!