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We have sprung forward today…I like the sound of springing forward, but I like the extra hour of sleep, falling backward gives. Isn’t there truth in that? Life is a lot of springing forward and falling backwards. 

A friend of mine lost her husband unexpectedly. She describes the months after the accident as a dark pit she fell in and was living out of. Her world felt upside down and nothing seemed to make sense. It was like brain fog had set in and was never going to lift. She had fallen backwards, but she had not fallen off the cliff. 

 In time the fog lifted, glimpses of light began to shine through, and then one day she called and declared, “Today was a good day.”. In the years that followed we had many conversations about living in the pit. 

 Falling backwards or falling down is not the end. In some ways it is a first step to a new beginning. At first that beginning may seem really foggy, but that’s when we must lean on others. Allow others to see the future we can’t yet imagine. There is a future, and it is filled with a beauty that is as brilliant as light streaming through a mosaic of stain glass. The shattered pieces that I once felt lay all around me, representing my shattered life are now a beautiful mosaic.

Spring is here, and though we will have more days of cold weather and snow, the flowers are on their way, warm days are closer, and Easter, a time of new beginnings is quickly approaching. 

 This Easter season, in the midst of our hectic, over-scheduled lives, lets intentionally pause and care for our souls. I find that I need quiet spaces to embrace the shattered pieces in my life, contemplate the beauty they could become, and allow truth to embrace me. I find this truth in scripture, in the book of Exodus as the Israelites leave everything they know for the hope of a new beginning, or in the book of Matthew where God does the most unexpected miracles in the midst of suffering. Whether you take time to nourish your soul through written word or quiet reflection – let’s look to this Easter with the anticipation of the beauty that will arise in our lives and the beauty that is.

Reflection Questions to Ponder:

  • Am I holding on to something I need to let go of?

  • What small act of kindness was I once shown that I will never forget?

  • If I had to draw a picture of what a new beginning would look like what would it look like, what colors would I use?

  • Make a list of 30 things that make you smile.

  • What am I doing about the things that matter the most in my life?

  • How am I surrounding myself with beauty?

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It’s that time of year! The Easter Bunny is about to make his rounds. Have you decorated your Easter eggs yet? Get the whole family involved with these easy steps to Easter Egg decorating.

1. Prepare Easter egg dye. You can buy Easter egg dye in many craft stores and prepare it according to the package, or make your own. It only takes a few minutes and a couple of ingredients. Here’s how:

2. Mix 1 teaspoon vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of food coloring. Pour the dye into 3/4 of a cup of water. Use a different cup for each dye, and be sure there is enough water in the cup to cover an entire egg.

3. Wash eggs and hollow them using a pin and the blow-out technique (this is a job for the grown-ups). Hollowing the eggs allows you to keep them for next year, and ensures if you break one, you won’t have a big mess to clean up. Note: You could also hollow your eggs after they have been dyed and dried. Here are the steps for hollowing an egg.

4. Use tongs, a whisk, a spoon, or your hands to gently place the eggs in the dye. Remember, the longer you leave an egg in the dye, the deeper the color will get. Allow eggs to dry completely (you can use a cake rack or a carton). You can also thread a wire in the hole of a hollowed egg to lower it into the dye and to help keep it submerged. See the process for dying eggs here.

5. After the eggs have dried, repeat the same process with another color, if desired. Again, allow eggs to dry completely.

6. The eggs are now dyed, but you can continue to decorate them. See here for some fun and easy ways to decorate your Easter eggs. With so many options, every egg will be a unique mini-masterpiece!

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My favorite place to be on Easter Sunday is watching the sun come up. The new beginning of the day has always refreshed my soul.

This year I am going to pick out a picture of a sunrise and put it by my mirror in my bathroom. I need the reminder of new life, new beginnings, and new creations.

What picture could you put in front of you that would refresh your soul?

With Love,
Jennifer & The Single MOMM Team

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Text: 231-227-3153

Call: 231-944-1710

Email: info@singlemomm.org



We all could use a little more information about…lots of things! As single moms it can be a challenge to find time to gather the right kind of information to answer our financial, health, parenting, household, and life questions. Acquire classes are pop-up style classes with area experts on topics that pertain to life as single moms.

Upcoming Acquire Class:

Parenting Teens During COVID: Tuesday, March 30th // 6:30 - 8:00pm
This class, led by Jeff Goodwin a local therapist, pastor, and dad, will focus on how to handle hard behaviors in your teen, ways to become the coach your teen needs, and what to do when teens suffer from depression. Jeff will offer his professional wisdom, along with practical applications he has learned from parenting teens himself. There will be time for Q&A. This is a fantastic way to gain insight and support from a professional therapist in a small group setting. The cost is FREE.

Connect with us for more information or to register for this class.

The INpowered Course

INpowered: At the intersection of our body, mind and spirit there is an element that is essential in living life to the fullest – wholeness. This nine-week course is designed specifically for single moms that have graduated from reVIVE. Together we will go beyond personal awareness and journey down the healing path. Topics include, addressing personal trauma, the importance of healthy attachment, how suffering impacts our relationship with God and others, and what does living fully alive really mean. All topics will be addressed through teaching sessions and small group discussions. 

Mondays from April 5th – June 7th // 6:30 - 8:00pm
(No class on Memorial Day)

Connect with us for more information or to register for this class.


This is a uniquely designed mentorship program. It begins by viewing each individual as a whole being - physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental. It builds upon a mutual trust between the mentor and mentee. Topics range from parenting to finances to how to maintain life during this crisis.

We are now offering Mentorship 360 by appointment at SM office, via phone, or by Zoom. Connect with us to schedule time with a mentor.